Mt. Lewis - Parker Pass Peakbagging

I started down the trail towards Mt. Lewis at around 9:00 am, the trail over to where the switchbacks started still had snow in some places, but it was pretty easy going. The switchbacks came next and then I was down in the bottom below Parker Peak.

At this point there was plenty of snow in places, and the stream head to  be crossed as well. I headed northwest up the gently valley until I was fairly close to the Yosemite border and it looked easy enough to reach the west side of Mt. Lewis and follow it to the top.

From there it was an pretty easy hike to the top of, no big boulders or snowfields. From the top one could see Mt. Gibbs and Mt. Dana and how much the snow had melted since I had climbed them.

Looking towards Mt. Gibbs and Mt. Dana from the top of Mt. Lewis, I took the gully directly above the lake to climb Mt. Gibbs (lots of snow had melted since then).
Looking towards Mono Lake
Looking towards Mt. Wood and Parker Peak
Looking back towards Blacktop peak through Parker Pass with Koip and Kuna peaks to the right of it.
Looking to the west towards Mammoth Mountain and Tuolumne Meadows, I had hiked up this side to get to the top of Mt. Lewis

I found the summit register, this time it was a small glass jar and the bronze plaque that explained why it was named.

Bronze Plaque on top of Mt. Lewis

I hiked back down the west side of Mt. Lewis and then back to the trail and headed back to the low point under the switchbacks. I took a rest and some pictures before heading up the trail to camp.

Mt. Lewis from just under the switchbacks.

From the top of the switchbacks I took more pictures and then headed back to camp.

Looking towards Mt. Lewis and the trail from the top of the switchbacks.
Parker Pass and Koip Peak from the top of the switchbacks.

I refilled my water bottles on the south side of Parker Pass and then went to bed.

