Getting to Parker Pass - Parker Pass Peakbagging

In the morning, I was feeling better but still not great. So I got a late start and around 11:30 or so I headed back to Gem Pass and then followed the trail towards Parker Pass. I looked at the stream and thought about how the hike out might go and took a nap under some trees.

The trail was all snowed in and pretty rough going, the parts that weren't snow covered with squishy with mud.

I met two hikers coming down the pass at around 6:30 and stopped and talked to them for a little while. They were heading towards Ritter, the trail closure was going to make it harder for them to get there.

At around 7:45 I was finally off the snow and onto the rock switchbacks going up the pass. I found where water was flowing though the boulders and filled by water bottles. I hiked over the top of the pass and setup camp on the north side where I could see the mountains to the north and there was a wind block made of boulders.

Looking towards Mono Lake from camp.
Looking north towards Mt. Dana and Mt. Gibbs. Mt. Lewis is on the left.
Sunset over the Ritter Range

After taking some sunset pictures and hearing lots of jet airplanes go by I went to sleep.

